Getting Your Own Mortgage During a Separation or Divorce

Posted by on November 19, 2013

divorce mortgage AlbertaGetting Separated or Divorced? Your Joints Assets Will Need to Be Separated Too

As if going through a separation or divorce wasn’t tough enough, having to deal with the division of joint assets and property can make things that much tougher. One of the main items involved in division of assets is the family home. If you don’t have the right team or help behind you, this process can be extremely difficult.

It’s vital to protect yourself and your children when it comes to getting your fair portion of the family home, and making the necessary preparations for getting a divorce mortgage. There are special guidelines for those getting divorced and splitting up the funds from the family home. Having a legal expert guide you through these guidelines and stipulations can making the process much more streamlined and efficient.

As far as the courts are concerned, you’re still legally married until the divorce has become finalized. The documentation involved in a separation and divorce will stipulate things such as alimony, division of assets, child support and all sorts of other factors that go along with the breakdown of a marriage. These factors can all play a part in your ability to get financing for an Alberta mortgage when you are going through a divorce. During the divorce process, you will need to take control over your credit score and take full control over your finances.

If you find yourself in the position of looking for a divorce mortgage in Alberta, do yourself a favor and get in touch with a certified mortgage specialist that specializes in hard to place mortgages, like Jim Black at Mortgage Loans Alberta. He’s helped a number of people going through a separation and divorce, and has helped them get back on their feet financially so they can move forward with their lives with their own home.

Go online today at and let Jim and his team help you prepare for your new lease on life.  Go with experience and get started right away by calling (877) 394-9422.

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