Ford Plant Cleans Up Old Stack

Posted by on March 15, 2012

Ford Plant UpgradeThis Saturday morning, St Patrick’s Day March 17, the lucky Ford plant will not be throwing down four leaf clovers, but instead a 300 foot tall stack.  The noise may awaken some late-sleepers as it will come crashing down.

The stack was part of the paint shop to produce cars in the past, but has been unused for quite some time.

Whoever schedules these things is an early riser, because on Saturday at 6 a.m. the fun will begin.  The thinking behind setting this time was that traffic in the area would be minimal and if there were any delays, cleanup could proceed the entire day while it is light outside.

If all goes well, the area will only be roped off from about  5 a.m.-9 a.m. after which traffic should be able to move smoothly through the area.

They have figured it out down to the “two large bangs” that will occur early in the morning, so if you live in the area, count to 2, take the dog outside and then go back to sleep!

Nearby temporary road closures will also include the QEW, Hwy. 403 and South Service Road to avoid any accidents caused by onlookers, but these hajor road closures should only last for about a half-hour from 6-6:10 a.m.

After the area is cleaned up, it will be turned into parking for plant workers.

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