Oakville Lawyer Offers a Dignified Approach to Divorce

Posted by on July 26, 2011

The process of separation and divorce is stressful and painful.  When children are involved, it can be even more difficult.   Divorce court can often result in a long, drawn-out process with parents and children feeling emotional strain.  There are alternatives for going to court, and Oakville family lawyer, Diane Daly, can show you a more dignified approach.


As a divorce lawyer for over 20 years, Diane Daly can offer you a path to separation and divorce that keeps you in control of the process and keeps it out of the court system.  The Collaborative Family Law model of negotiation uses a “team approach”.  This works best with couples who can talk reasonably and rationally to resolve their issues.   A collaborative approach is efficient and cost effective, with a team that includes you, your spouse, your lawyers, and any other professionals (like accountants, business valuators and family specialists) that you feel are needed.

Collaborative Family Law preserves the long term interests of the family using cooperation and open communication.  The first step in a divorce proceeding, ideally, is to negotiate the terms of a separation agreement .  If there are children involved, their best interests musst be addressed.  The collaborative family lawyer’s role is to provide legal advice and coaching in an organized framework to help couples agree on the terms of a separation agreement.

Issues that must be addressed in a separation agreement include child support, custody and access.  Also, the division of debt and property, as well as spousal support, must be agreed upon.  Diane Daly is a trained mediator and arbitrator who helps couples resolve issues with negotiation and cooperation.   This approach to separation, with dignity and respect, allows families to go on to a better tomorrow.

Learn more about Collaborative Family Law and Oakvile lawyer, Diane Daly, who is a proud member of Family Mediation Canada.

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