Old-School and Contemporary Hip Hop Dance Moves

Posted by on November 29, 2012

Hip hop is an international and contemporary style of dance that has been around for decades, and has literally taken the dance world by storm. More and more dance studios are offering hip hop dance classes due to the rapidly increasing popularity of this dance genre. This style of dance is great for any age group – from children to the mature adult!

The Evolution of Hip Hop Dance Moves

Hip hop dance really started out as breakdancing on the urban city streets of New York and L.A. Hip hop dance moves have been largely influenced by reggae and rap, but also have African dance and gymnastics aspects to these types of moves as well.

From the early days of hip hop dance, some of the original types of hip hop moves come in the form of the following:

  • Popping
  • Locking
  • Moonwalking

Hip hop dance battles became quite popular in these early days, as talented dancers would show their moves on these street corners, battling it out against others with incredible hip hop dance skills.

In more recent times, hip hop dance moves have evolved and become much more detailed. In addition to breakdancing moves on the floor, these moves have taken more to the vertical plane, and began to include moves such as the following:

  • Krumping
  • Gangsta walking
  • Harlem shake
  • Snap dance
  • Heel toe
  • Crip walk
  • Glide

As time progresses, new and innovative moves are seeped into the world of hip hop dance. Dancers and choreographers alike are becoming more and more sophisticated in the realm of hip hop dance, which can be seen in the many routines displayed by dancers across the globe. Shows like “So You Think You Can Dance” can attest to the fact that hip hop dance has really evolved and become much more complex in its execution than ever before.

Although still popular on the streets, hip hop has crossed over the line into mainstream culture, and has been widely accepted into the world of dance. Parents and dance judges alike have embraced this type of dance, making it even more solid of an affirmation that hip hop dance is a staple in contemporary dance culture of today.

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